.~ Disk-type turret tuner

Current as of: June, 1999
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334 /   HD   TUNERS

49.~ Disk-type turret tuner


Classification: 334/49

(under subclass 47) Subject matter wherein the element or elements of the tuner are carried upon a flat circular plate or disk type support with the plate or disk support revolving about its center axis and thereby switching the element or elements into or out of a circuit in a predetermined order.

(1) Note. A turret tuner of the disk type, such as found in this subclass, or of the drum type, such as found in subclasses 51+ below, are basically of the switching type in which the movable turret portion carries tuning elements and contact members which are moved with respect to a group of stationary contacts. A switch type unit having stationary tuning elements connected to stationary contact elements with

the stationary contacts being swept or switched into or out of circuit by a rotating contact are not classified in this subclass nor in subclasses 51+ below but are found in the appropriate subclasses under subclasses 47+.


74, Machine Element or Mechanism,

10+, for mechanical mechanism for rotating a shaft including such mechanism designed for use in a disk type turret tuner. See also the Search Notes to subclass 10 for additional fields of search for moving mechanism.

200, Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers, 1+, for multiple control circuit switches, and subclasses 19.06+ for circuit makers and breakers which operate periodically to control multiple circuits.