This is the generic class for producing metals, alloys or metal containing compositions in a solid or compact state from powdered or particulate material with or without heating.
The order of superiority among various metal, alloy, and metal stock areas and methods of manufacture involving them is as follows:
(1) Class 419, Powder Metallurgy Processes.
(2) Class 148, Metal Treatment, subclasses 22+, compositions for treatment of solid metal.
(3) Class 75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures, subclasses 300, 301, and 303+, gaseous, liquid, or solid treating compositions for liquid metal or charges, and subclass 302, welding rod defined by composition.
(4) Class 75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures, subclasses 228+, consolidated metal powder compositions and subclasses 255+, loose metal particulate mixtures.
(5) Class 420, Alloys or Metallic Compositions, claimed as products. (6) Class 148, Metal Treatment, subclasses 95-122, 240-287, and 500-714, in the schedule order, providing for certain processes of treating solid or semi-solid metal by modifying or maintaining the internal physical structure (i.e., microstructure) or chemical property of metal, processes of reactive coating of metal or processes of chemical-heat removing (e.g., flame-cutting, etc.) or burning of metal. However, if metal casting, metal fusion bonding, machining, or working is involved, there is a requirement of significant heat treatment as described in section III, A, of the Class 148 definition.
(7) Class 148, Metal Treatment, subclasses 33+ barrier layer stock material and subclasses 400+, stock.
(8) Class 75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures, subclasses 331+, processes of making solid particulate alloys directly from liquid metal and subclasses 343+, processes of producing or purifying alloys in powder form.
(9) Class 75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures, subclasses 10.1+ and 10.67, processes of making alloys electrothermic, electromagnetic, or electrostatic processes.
(10) Class 420, Alloys or Metallic Compositions, processes of
(11) Class 75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures, subclasses 330+, processes of making metal and processes of treating liquid metals and liquid alloys and consolidating metalliferous material.
(12) Class 204, Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy, processes.
(13) Class 164, Metal Founding, subclasses 1+, processes.
(14) Class 266, Metallurgical Apparatus, subclasses 44+, processes of operating metallurgical apparatus.
This list is not complete and may be added to as the proper relationship of other areas is determined.
See References to Other Classes, below, for additional information about lines with the following types of classes: Compound, Composition, and Material Classes;
Article or Product Classes;
Process Classes;
Apparatus Classes.
29, Metal Working, appropriate subclasses for processes for manufacturing specific articles provided for in Class 29 by processes not involving powder metallurgy steps. (process class)
74, Machine Element or Mechanism, appropriate subclasses, for machine elements defined by structure and/or function, which may have been made by a Class 419 process. (article or product class)
75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures,
331+, and 343+ for processes of making metal powders and subclasses 746+ for consolidating metalliferous material that is used in metallurgical processes. (process class)
75, Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures, 303+, for consolidated furnace charges (e.g., briquettes, etc.) containing a free metal which are used as charges in Class 75 processes and for compositions which may contain metal powder which are used as fluxes in smelting and treating metalliferous ores, subclasses 228+ for consolidated metal powder compositions which may have been prepared by a Class 419 process, and subclasses 255+ for loose powder compositions containing a free metal. (compound, composition and material class.)
117, Single-Crystal, Oriented-Crystal, and Epitaxy Growth Processes; Non-Coating Apparatus Therefor, for processes for growing therein-defined single-crystal of all types of materials, including metal, and not including a Class 419 method step. See Class 117 for guidance in placement of single-crystal related art.(process class)
117, Single-Crystal, Oriented-Crystal, and Epitaxy Growth Processes; Non-Coating Apparatus Therefor, for non-coating apparatus for growing therein-defined single-crystal of all types of materials, including inorganic or organic. Coating apparatus are generally located in Class 118. (apparatus class)
123, Internal-Combustion Engines, appropriate subclasses for such elements of internal combustion engines as are provided for in that class, defined by structure/function, which may have been made by a Class 419 process. (article or product class)
128, Surgery, appropriate subclasses, for surgical devices and instruments defined by structure/functions which may have been made by a Class 419 process. (article or product class)
148, Metal Treatment, particularly
514, for processes of pre-treatment or post-treatment of a previously sintered or compacted consolidated powder metal starting material to modify or maintain the internal physical structure (i.e., microstructure) or chemical properties of metal and wherein there is no actual step of sintering or compacting of the powdered metal recited. However, Class 419 takes as original pre-treatment or post-treatment operations as long as the sintering or compacting operation is present. See, also, Class 148, subclass 513 for treatment of loose metal powder by a Class 148 operation. (process class)
148, Metal Treatment, particularly
513, for processes of treating loose metal particles (e.g., powder, etc.) to modify or maintain the internal physical structure (i.e., microstructure) or chemical property of metal and lacking a sintering or compacting operation. (compound, composition and material class)
175, Boring or Penetrating the Earth, appropriate subclasses,
327+, for earth boring or penetrating elements or devices defined by structure/function, which may have been made by a Class 419 process. (article or product class) 188, Brakes, appropriate subclasses, especially
218, 265, for braking apparatus or elements defined by structure/function, which may have been made by Class 419 process. (article or product class)
192, Clutches and Power-Stop Control, appropriate subclasses, especially
106.1, 115, for clutch and power-stop control apparatus or elements provided for in Class 122, defined by structure/function, which may have been made by a Class 419 process. (article or product class)
200, Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers, appropriate subclasses, for electrical circuit makers and breakers defined by structure/function, which may have been made by a Class 419 process. (apparatus class)
216, Etching a Substrate: Processes, for etching of all materials not otherwise provide for, including a metal. (process class)
245, Wire Fabrics and Structure, appropriate subclasses, for wire fabrics defined by structure which may have been made by a Class 419 process. (apparatus class)
251, Valves and Valve Actuation, appropriate subclasses, for valve apparatus provided for in Class 251, which may have been made by a Class 419 process. (apparatus class)
252, Compositions,
62.55, for magnetic compositions containing a free metal or alloy which may be in a particulate state, subclass 500 for electrically conductive or emissive compositions which may include a free metal in a powder state. (compound, composition and material class)
264, Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes,
.5, for processes of making nuclear fuel elements or charges not involving powder metallurgy, but powder metallurgy processes for making such products are in this class (419), appropriate subclasses; subclasses 109+ for processes of forming articles by uniting randomly associated particles not including free metal particles. (article or product class) 266, Metallurgical Apparatus, appropriate subclasses, for sintering apparatus, per se. (apparatus class)
384, Bearings, appropriate subclasses, for bearing or bearing guides defined by structure/function which may have been made by a Class 419 process. (apparatus class)
407, Cutters, for Shaping, appropriate subclasses, for shaping cutters tools defined by structure/function which may have been made by a Class 419 process. (apparatus class)
415, Rotary Kinetic Fluid Motors or Pumps, appropriate subclasses for elements of rotary kinetic fluid motors or pumps provided for in Class 415, defined by structure/functions which may have been produced by a Class 419 process. (apparatus class)
416, Fluid Reaction Surfaces, (i.e., Impellers), appropriate subclasses, for elements of fluid reaction impellers provided for in Class 416, defined by structure/functions, which may have been made by a Class 419 process. (apparatus class)
425, Plastic Article or Earthenware Shaping or Treating: Apparatus,
78+, for means for molding powdered metal. (apparatus class)
428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles,
539.5, for stock material having a metal continuous phase interengaged with a nonmetal continuous phase, subclasses 546+ for miscellaneous stock material containing particles of free metal, and subclass 570 for composite powders which may comprise a free metal. (compound, composition and material class)
451, Abrading, especially
540+, for abrasive tool which may have been made by a Class 419 process. (article or product class) 623, Prothesis (i.e., Artificial Body Members), Parts Thereof, or Aids and Accessories Therefor, appropriate subclasses for artificial body members defined by a structure which may be made by a Class 419 process. (article or product classe)
The meaning to be given to the various "art" terms appearing in this class, but which have not been included in the Glossary below, is the same as that generally accepted or in common usage. However, certain terms employed in this class, which are included below, have been assigned definitions tailored to meet the needs of this class and therefore those may be more restricted or less limited or even altogether different from those in common usage.
Forming of particulate material into a body or shape by the application of pressure to the particulate material without heating.
Forming of particulate material into a unitary body without heating. This may or may not include the application of pressure to the particulate material (e.g., slip casting).
The term sintering includes the union of finely divided material or powder by the action of heat with or without pressure. The heat must result from a positive application of heat at some point in the process. Heat resulting from the application of pressure alone is not considered to be a positive application of heat in these subclasses. Some, but not all, of the ingredients may melt. A chemical reaction such as reduction may occur during sintering.
A material which is incorporated in the powder admixture which is wholly destroyed or separated from the other materials in a subsequent step prior to or during the consolidation or sintering operation.